• Brazilian Salmo Plus Natural

    $15.00$90.00 or subscribe and save 5%
    A sweet chocolate foundation with a velvety mouthfeel, elevated by a mild citric acidity makes this a great cup hot and equally delicious as it cools. FLAVORS  MILK CHOCOLATE, PEANUT BUTTER, RAISIN, GRAHAM CRACKER REGION / SOURCED FROM  CERRADO MINEIRO
  • Columbia Nariño El Tiple

    $15.00$90.00 or subscribe and save 5%
    The highest-grown coffee in Colombia is cultivated in Nariño, a small region bordering Ecuador and the Pacific Ocean. FLAVORS  MILK CHOCOLATE, ALMOND, CITRUS, CANE SUGAR REGION / SOURCED FROM  NARIÑO
  • Costa Rica Tarrazu La Pastora

    $15.00$90.00 or subscribe and save 5%
    This coffee comes from Coope Tarrazu.  The coop, originated in 1960, produces high quality coffee from the Tarrazú region. FLAVOR NOTES  CHOCOLATE, CHERRY, RED FRUIT REGION / SOURCED FROM  FRAILES, SAN PABLO, SAN IGNACIO,TARRAZU
  • Ethiopian Guji Sere Saba

    $15.00$90.00 or subscribe and save 5%
    Flavor all day! Ethiopian coffees are heralded for their complexity and incredible floral and fruit qualities. This fine example is sweet and tart yet delicate on the tongue; close your eyes and taste mild caramel and citrus and finally, as you swallow, a delightful hint of berries. FLAVORS  RASPBERRY, CARAMEL, BLACK TEA, CITRUS, CRANBERRY REGION / SOURCED FROM  GUJI
  • Honduras Mira Flores Honey

    $15.00$90.00 or subscribe and save 5%
    A bright honey sweetness accented by brown sugar, caramel, and red apple notes. FLAVOR NOTES  BROWN SUGAR, CARAMEL, RED APPLE REGION / SOURCED FROM  LOS PLANES, COMAYAGUA
  • Nicaragua Jinotega

    $15.00$90.00 or subscribe and save 5%
    This washed, strictly high grown coffee comes from smallholder farmers in the Jinotega department of Nicaragua.  Coffee cherries were hand-picked, wet milled and fermented by the individual producers. FLAVORS  DARK CHOCOLAE, BROWN SUGAR, NUTTY, LEMON REGION / SOURCED FROM  JINOTEGA
  • Sumatra Aceh Mandheling

    $15.00$90.00 or subscribe and save 5%
    A rich, creamy body with notes of sweet tobacco, dark chocolate, cedar, and raisin reveal classic Sumatran coffee characteristics. FLAVORS  SWEET TOBACCO, DARK CHOCOLATE, CEDAR, RAISIN REGION / SOURCED FROM  ACEH GAYO


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